
The battle has been won! He is risen!

News, some false, some true, made its way to London from Waterloo, which caused much confusion among a public that was desperate to know if Napoleon had been defeated. As accounts of the previous day’s battles muddied the waters, mixed information filtered into the country.

What the resurrection of Jesus changes

I. Jesus’ resurrection changes our conversations (Luke 24:13-24). Two of Jesus’ disciples walk together down a seven-mile stretch of road, having a conversation. It was about the resurrection of Jesus, obviously the most shocking news they had ever heard. A stranger began to walk with them (Jesus incognito), and they were astounded to learn this man had apparently not heard about the resurrection. Notice that their conversation wasn’t just about the details of the resurrection, but also about who He was supposed to be, His life, His death, and what it all meant.The truth of the resurrection is just as shocking today as it was the day it occurred. Don’t treat the resurrection as some cold truth you’ve always heard. Do not allow your understanding and presentation of the gospel to be about the death of Jesus alone. Let Jesus’ resurrection change your conversation. Talk about it this week with the same excitement as if it just happened.

How to make higher-quality choices at the grocery store

Grocery shopping can be stressful when there are so many options, especially if you’re making a conscious effort to make high-quality food choices while you shop. Arming yourself with a plan and plenty of information can help you make smarter choices and feel good about the meals you prepare for your family.

How to make your own all-purpose cleaner

Making your own all-purpose household cleaner is an easy alternative to store-bought chemicals. This version of a homemade cleaner is environmentally friendly and less likely to cause irritation.

Author will speak at Kountze library

The Friends of Kountze Public Library will host German Author, Barbara Ortwein, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 2, at the library, 800 South Redwood. Barbara will tell the story of the Engelbach family from Germany to Texas.


School Boards The Lumberton ISD Board of Trustees meet the first Thursday after the first Monday each month at 7 p.m. at the Administration Building, 121 South Main Street.